viernes, 13 de agosto de 2021

My dear life, where did we miss one another?

Sometimes it is hard to find oneself. 

This morning, I found the pair of socks I thought the washing machine had gulped.

 I even found my keys.

 But I cannot find myself. 

I have looked under the mattress of love, in the typing machine that it is work, in between the benches of friendship... 

but life... gone!

Life and I missed each other, and I can't recall! 

Awake, I am sleepy, and at night, I can't fall asleep. Either way, I can no longer dream. Inanimate, all I can do is protect the body you once inhabited. Without you, my dear soul, all I can do is wait for death to come. My childhood, the memories of a once-up-a-time child, are a fancy fantasy, a tale someone might have read to me. The calamity of hope. 

All I can do is project myself into the inertness of objects because I can no longer find myself among subjects.    

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2021


Intensity, you said, you beast

It beats, it grows, it blows, it clogs

my presence 

in this world

martes, 10 de agosto de 2021

I will get rid of you tomorrow, (2015 EN)

What’s in a heartbroken?

Heat in my heart,

coldness in my hands,

dampness in my eyes,

dryness in my sex.

Forced smiles setting in

Corrupted oblivion

Anger and resentment

Despise and love.

A bum begging in paradise

A disabled god

Yet another hangover, 

Intra-corporal wind

My blown-up soul 

el parto de tu olvido

Olvidarme de tí está siendo el parto que nunca viviré.

About shipwrecked words (de palabras y barcos, EN)

Words are vessels

The signifier, an excuse

any seme addressed to you

a drifting ship sense of me 

lunes, 9 de agosto de 2021

do not abuse me (EN)



do not approach me 
do not blandish me
do not touch me 
do not ask 
do not pretend
do not play 
do not allure me
do not lie to me 
do not smile at me 
do not caress me 
do not torture me
do not fuck with me

miércoles, 28 de julio de 2021

M-eaning W-anted

There is an accumulation of speech on my side. 

Meaning overflies words, 

and substance is a corpse.

It was found subjugated to choking rhythms:  

silence followed questions, 

more questions followed silence [bis]

Repetition and reiteration were the accused killers. 


An unnamed feeling was

A void I try to fill by revisiting experiences and gestures, 


Memory is triggered by survival mechanisms,



viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

Holy Spirit

 Let me take you somewhere

where the wind will drain your anxiety

where you will be one

body and mind

in agreement at last. 

jueves, 15 de julio de 2021


 Le amo porque cada vez que he intentado amar, 

solo con su amor me topo. Sola y solo. 

ventanas. una metareflexión.

 Desde mi mesa de trabajo espío a mis vecinos, mirar afuera es mejor que mirar hacia adentro. En frente dos chicas trabajan. Bueno, una trabaja, la otra está como yo: absorta, conectada al espacio vacío.

No quiero escribir. No quiero ser pero, como diría Unamuno, soy demasiado cobarde y me quedo en eso, en el "No querer ser", soy incapaz de cruzar al "querer no ser". Pero solo pienso en esa ventana, ventana al descanso. 

El deseo vaga como el viento. 

Y deseo algo que no existe, la nada. 

Me topo con una ventana. Observo un bello paisaje que me hace enloquecer. Me estremezco y justo cuando voy a lanzarme al vacío... un muro. Era yo